Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Target Throw Baseball

Target Throw Baseball is a fun and engaging game that combines the skills of throwing and accuracy with the excitement of baseball. Participants aim to hit targets using soft balls, promoting hand-eye coordination and precision.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6+


  1. Soft balls
  2. Targets (can be hula hoops, cones, or marked areas)
  3. Baseball gloves (optional)

How to play?

  1. Set up a playing area outdoors and mark the throwing line using cones or tape.
  2. Place targets at various distances from the throwing line. These can be hula hoops, cones, or marked areas on the ground.
  3. Divide players into teams or have individuals take turns throwing.
  4. Explain the objective of the game: to hit the targets using the soft balls.
  5. Players take turns throwing the balls, aiming to land them within the targets.
  6. Assign points based on the difficulty of the targets, with higher scores for hitting smaller or farther targets.
  7. Players can use baseball gloves if available to catch and throw the balls more accurately.
  8. Encourage fair play, teamwork, and celebrate successful throws and accurate hits.


 Target Throw Baseball is an enjoyable game that combines the thrill of baseball with the skill of accuracy. It allows older children to practice their throwing techniques while honing their hand-eye coordination and precision. This game fosters a sense of healthy competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Target Throw Baseball provides a fantastic opportunity for players to develop their skills in a fun and engaging outdoor setting.

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