Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Paper Plate Target Practice

Paper Plate Target Practice is a simple and engaging game that helps young children develop their aim and throwing skills. Participants aim to hit paper plate targets with soft objects, such as beanbags, fostering hand-eye coordination and accuracy.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6+
Indoor, Outdoor


  1. Paper plates
  2. Soft objects (e.g., beanbags)
  3. Masking tape

How to play?

  1. Set up a playing area indoors or outdoors and mark the throwing line using masking tape.
  2. Place paper plates as targets at various distances from the throwing line.
  3. Explain the objective of the game: to hit the paper plate targets using the soft objects.
  4. Each player takes turns throwing the soft objects, aiming to hit the paper plates.
  5. Award points for hitting the targets, such as assigning different scores to different plates or giving points based on proximity to the target.
  6. Encourage players to aim carefully, adjust their throwing technique, and learn from each attempt.
  7. Modify the game by increasing the distance to the targets or adding obstacles for a greater challenge.
  8. Promote fair play, good sportsmanship, and celebrate each player’s achievements.


Paper Plate Target Practice is a fantastic game for younger children to develop their throwing skills and hand-eye coordination. It encourages focus, aim, and precision while providing an enjoyable and accessible activity for kids. This game introduces the fundamentals of aiming and accuracy in a playful manner, helping children build confidence and refine their motor skills.

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