Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Nature Scavenger Hunt is a fun and educational game that encourages children to explore their surroundings and discover the wonders of nature. Participants search for specific items or natural features based on provided clues or a checklist.

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  1. Clues or checklist of items to find
  2. Writing materials (optional)

How to play?

  1. Prepare a list of specific items or natural features for participants to find. Examples include specific leaves, rocks, insects, flowers, or animal tracks.
  2. Alternatively, create clues that lead participants to the location of hidden items.
  3. Explain the rules and provide the list of items or clues to each participant or team.
  4. Participants explore the designated outdoor area, searching for the items or following the clues.
  5. As participants find the items or solve the clues, they can mark them off on their checklist or document their discoveries.
  6. The game continues until all items are found or until a predetermined time limit is reached.
  7. After the game, participants can gather to share their findings, discuss their experiences, and learn more about the items they discovered.


Nature Scavenger Hunt provides a wonderful opportunity for young children to connect with nature, develop observational skills and learn about the environment in an engaging way. The game encourages outdoor exploration, curiosity, and a sense of discovery. Nature Scavenger Hunt fosters an appreciation for the natural world while promoting physical activity and cognitive development. It is a perfect introduction to the sport of orienteering for young children, sparking their interest and igniting a lifelong love for outdoor adventures.

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