Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Hoop Relay

Hoop Relay is a team-based game that emphasizes teamwork, communication, and coordination while incorporating shooting and passing skills.

Outdoor, Indoor


  1. Cones
  2. Basketball
  3. Hoops

How to play?

  1. Set up a relay course with cones and place a hoop at the end of each course.
  2. Divide players into teams and have each team line up behind the starting line.
  3. The first player from each team starts with a basketball.
  4. On the signal, the first player dribbles the ball through the relay course, passing it through or around obstacles.
  5. Once they reach the hoop, they attempt a shot.
  6. If they make the shot, they run back to their team and tag the next player to start their turn.
  7. The relay continues until all players from one team complete the course and shots.


Hoop Relay promotes teamwork, communication, and shooting skills in a competitive and cooperative team setting. By navigating through the relay course and making shots at the hoops, players enhance their dribbling, passing, and shooting abilities. Hoop Relay offers an exciting and engaging game that encourages players to work together and improve their basketball skills.

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