Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Handball Relay Race

Handball Relay Race is a high-energy game where players compete in relay races while passing the handball, testing their speed and teamwork.

4, 6+
Outdoor, Indoor


  1. Handball
  2. Cones or markers for the relay course

How to play?

  1. Set up a relay course using cones or markers.
  2. Divide players into two teams, with each team forming a line behind the starting point.
  3. Place a handball at the front of each line.
  4. On the signal, the first player from each team dribbles the handball through the relay course.
  5. After completing the course, the player passes the handball to the next teammate in line.
  6. The process continues until all players from one team have completed the relay.
  7. The team that finishes the relay first wins the game.


 Handball Relay Race is an exhilarating game that combines the skills of handball with speed and teamwork. By passing the handball in a relay format, players enhance their coordination, teamwork, and running speed. Handball Relay Race offers a thrilling and competitive experience for children aged 5-8, encouraging them to work together and improve their handball skills while having fun. It promotes active participation, cooperation, and friendly competition, making it an excellent choice for young handball enthusiasts looking for an exciting team-based game.

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