Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Frisbee Catch Relay

Frisbee Catch Relay is an exciting relay race where teams compete to catch and pass frisbees as quickly as possible.

4, 6+


  1. Frisbees

How to play?

  1. Divide players into teams and form two parallel lines.
  2. The first player from each team starts with a frisbee.
  3. On the signal, the first player throws the frisbee to the second player in line.
  4. The second player catches the frisbee and passes it to the third player, and so on.
  5. Players must catch and pass the frisbee quickly and accurately.
  6. If a player drops the frisbee, they must retrieve it and return to their original position before continuing.
  7. The team that completes the relay first, without dropping the frisbee, wins the game.


Frisbee Catch Relay is an energetic game suitable for children aged 5-8, promoting teamwork, coordination, and communication. This relay race challenges players to catch and pass the frisbee swiftly and accurately, improving their throwing and catching skills. Frisbee Catch Relay encourages collaboration, as teammates rely on one another to complete the relay successfully. This game fosters a sense of friendly competition and cooperation among players. Frisbee Catch Relay provides an exciting opportunity for children to engage in active play, develop their motor skills, and have fun together.

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