Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Fireball Relay Race

Fireball Relay Race is a fast-paced and energetic game that emphasizes teamwork and speed. Players compete in teams, passing a ball quickly and efficiently to complete the relay race in the shortest time possible.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6+
Outdoor, Indoor


  1. Cones or markers
  2. Small balls (e.g., tennis balls)

How to play?

  1. Set up a relay race course with designated starting and ending points using cones or markers.
  2. Divide players into teams of equal size, with each team standing behind their starting line.
  3. Explain the objective of the game: to complete the relay race by passing the ball quickly and efficiently.
  4. The first player of each team starts with a ball in hand.
  5. When the race starts, the first player dribbles or passes the ball to the next player in line.
  6. Players continue passing the ball using their hands or feet until the last player reaches the finishing line.
  7. If a ball is dropped or goes out of bounds, players must retrieve it and resume the race from where it was dropped.
  8. The team that completes the relay race in the shortest time wins.


Fireball Relay Race is an exhilarating game that promotes teamwork, coordination, and speed. It allows younger children to actively participate in a fun and dynamic relay race, enhancing their passing and receiving skills. This game encourages players to work together, communicate effectively, and make quick decisions, all while enjoying the excitement of friendly competition. Fireball Relay Race is an excellent choice for physical education classes or outdoor activities, fostering a love for sports and teamwork among children.

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