Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Duck Duck Goose

Duck Duck Goose is a classic and interactive game where children sit in a circle, and one player walks around tapping others on the head, saying “duck” each time, until they choose someone to be the “goose” and chase them around the circle.

4, 6+
Outdoor, Indoor


No need to any equipment

How to play?

  1. Have the players sit in a circle, facing each other, on the ground or chairs.
  2. Choose one player to be the “tagger” or “picker.”
  3. The tagger walks around the outside of the circle, gently tapping each player on the head, saying “duck” each time.
  4. Randomly choose one player to be the “goose” by saying “goose” instead of “duck” when tapping their head.
  5. As soon as the goose is chosen, they get up from their spot and start running around the circle in the same direction as the tagger.
  6. The tagger tries to catch the goose before they can sit down in the empty spot left by the tagger.
  7. If the goose is caught, they become the new tagger for the next round. If the goose successfully sits down, they remain in their original spot, and the tagger resumes walking around the circle.
  8. Repeat the game with the new tagger, continuing the cycle of choosing ducks and gooses.


Duck Duck Goose is a simple and engaging game that encourages movement, quick thinking, and social interaction among children. Enjoy the laughter and excitement as players take turns being the tagger and the goose!

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