Increasing the Physical Activity Level of Kids and Youngs with Child-Focused Sport and Games

Balance Beam Relay

Balance Beam Relay is a game where participants navigate a balance beam in a relay format, testing their balance, coordination, and teamwork.

4, 6+
Outdoor, Indoor


  1. Balance beam or narrow elevated surface

How to play?

  1. Set up a balance beam or a narrow elevated surface in a designated area.
  2. Divide players into two teams, with each team forming a line behind the starting point of the balance beam.
  3. On the signal, the first player from each team starts navigating the balance beam.
  4. The player must maintain balance and complete the beam without falling off or touching the ground.
  5. After completing the balance beam, the player tags the next teammate, who then starts their turn.
  6. The relay continues until all players from one team have completed the balance beam.
  7. The team that finishes the relay first, without any falls or ground touches, wins the game.


Balance Beam Relay is an exciting game that challenges participants to demonstrate their balance and coordination skills on a narrow beam. By working together in a relay format, players enhance their teamwork and communication while developing their gymnastic abilities. Balance Beam Relay provides an engaging and thrilling experience for children aged 9-13, promoting physical fitness, concentration, and friendly competition. It is an excellent choice for young gymnasts looking to showcase their skills in a fun and interactive way.

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